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Exfoliating: Best Ways To Exfoliate Your Skin Safely

Jul 1, 2021

Give your skin a fascinating glow and freshness with awesome skin exfoliation techniques that remove the dead cells from the outermost surface of the skin.

Skin Exfoliation not only gives you instant skin softness and freshness but it also offers multiple other benefits.

Worried about your skin condition? Get in touch with best of our skin specialists in Pune. For a skin treatment, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you +919584584111

In this session, you will discover unique and new methods to exfoliate your skin that will keep you refreshed all day long.

Table Of Contents

Skin Exfoliation Methods

How To Get Complete Benefits Of Exfoliation?

How to Exfoliate Sensitive Skin at Home?

Skin Exfoliation Methods

  • Exfoliating Glove

Specially made for exfoliation purposes, these gloves are made from soy and are antimicrobial in nature. It can safely be used with soap to soften scaly skin parts.

  • Sonic Cleaning System

The commercially available sonic cleansing system is a device that can be used during traveling. This tiny microdermabrasion device is gentle enough to cleanse your skin and can be used every day.

  • Epsom salts along with EVDO

This scrubbing method is applied by mixing a cup of Epsom salts with olive oil. It gives the best exfoliation results when scrubbing on the face, elbow, knees, and feet.

  • Pumice Stone

Making your skin smoother with stone is not a new method. This classic method for exfoliating moisturizes the skin for the perfect smooth touch. Pumice stone is being scrubbed on the feet or any other part where you have rough patches.

  • Banana and Honey Scrub

Honey mixed with banana makes your skin irresistibly delicious and clear. Mix it up one teaspoon of honey with mashed banana; also add wheat germ of 1 tablespoon.  Scrub on the face for 5 minutes to get instant soft and sweet skin.

  • White Sugar and Coconut Oil

Mix sugar and oil in a 1:2 ratio; it is ideal to scrub any part of the body. It takes less than 5 min. to scrub the body part.

These are some of the commonly used methods for skin smoothing & polishing. But, above all important to get complete benefits out of these methods. So, the next section answers this very question.

How To Get Complete Benefits Of Exfoliation?

  • How about quick steam?

Taking relaxing heat steam will do the double effect of the exfoliating methods by preparing your skin in advance. It certainly does not remove dead cells but aids in the exfoliating treatment greatly.

  • It’s Morning Time

It is proven to get the best exfoliation results in the morning time. So, allow the time from your busy morning window and indulge in different skin exfoliation methods mentioned above all to get the kickoff morning start.

How to Exfoliate Sensitive Skin at Home?

Suppose you have sensitive skin and are looking for the best way to exfoliate your skin, wondering how to exfoliate your face naturally or how to exfoliate sensitive skin at home. Here’s the answer.

It is usually best to exfoliate at night to avoid sun exposure on a fresh skin layer that could turn post-exfoliation.

So, start by washing your skin with a cleanser suited to your skin type to remove your makeup and impurities. Take some scrub and apply it with dry fingertips to a clean yet damp face. Avoid applying it near the eyes. Now, wet your fingertips and massage the scrub around your face in a circular motion for a few minutes. Lastly, wash it off with lukewarm water and apply a toner and moisturizer afterward.

Now, how to exfoliate legs and how to exfoliate body skin? The best way to do it is to use a glove, brush, or sponge. It can help you get rid of dead skin and enhance circulation. In any case, use a dermatologist-prescribed scrub, moisturizer, and toner, as they’ll prescribe you products based on their suitability.

Apart from this, when used in the right condition & at the right time, exfoliation gives you the best results and benefits. But, self-prescribing such treatments are not advisable. So, Meet your nearest dermatologist or skin specialist. Let him/her decide what is your skin condition and what best can be done to get your skin smooth and glowing. You can also contact clearskin for such an evaluation. Thank you.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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