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Conditions We Treat

Conditions We Treat

Skin conditions can seriously affect your confidence and impact your self image. While some may be temporary, painless, cosmetic others can be life threatening. At Clear Skin, our dermatologists treat a variety of skin disorders. Learn more about your skin condition and the treatment protocol to help you get back to healthy, glowing skin.

All Conditions


These are just a few examples of the different growths that can appear on your skin: skin tags, keloids, moles,...


Lipoma is a formation of fatty tissue that appears gradually under the skin. A tumor called a lipoma can form...


We also treat other conditions such as Psoriasis, Vitiligo, Eczema, Freckles, Xanthelasma, Tinea, Lipomas, Cysts, and more. If you suffer...


Sebaceous cysts removal are lumps that develop beneath the skin. Sebaceous cysts are caused by clogged sebaceous glands. Sebaceous cysts...


Tinea, ringworm, dermatophytosis or dermatophyte infection is a fungal infection on skin. The lesion resembles a ring-shaped worm.


Xanthelasma is a condition in which lesions fat-rich deposits form on the skin. Moreover, these lesions get deposited in various...

Clear Skin Insights


How to Cope With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal?

How to Cope With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal? this article, we will explore various strategies and remedies for alleviating itchy skin after laser hair removal, helping you to enjoy the benefits of your treatment with minimal discomfort. Laser...

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How to Get Smaller Breasts in 1 Week: Effective Tips and Strategies

Achieving a noticeable reduction in breast size within a week may seem like a challenging goal. However, with a combination of targeted exercises, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes, it is possible to see some differences. This guide will explore effective...

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Hydra Facial Treatment, Procedure & Why it is popular? | Clear Skin, Pune

HydraFacial: A Revolutionary Skin Treatment As a leading centre in skincare, we often encounter numerous questions about Hydra Facial. To address these queries comprehensively, we’ve put together this detailed blog about Hydra Facial Treatment, one of the most popular non-invasive...

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Clear Skin Ultimate Guides




Demystifying Skin Pigmentation:...

Pigmentation refers to the colouring of the skin which depends on specialized cells that produce melanin. Melanin is the pigment that imparts different shades and colours to the hair, skin, mucous mem




The Pros and Cons of Collagen Skin...

Table Of Contents Types of Collagen Supplements How Collagen Supplements Work? Benefits of Collagen Supplements Side Effects of Collagen Supplements Collagen is an important constituent of bones, skin




Appointment With Dermatologist...

Whether it is persistent acne or a stubborn rash that has prompted you to book an appointment with a dermatologist, it is important to prepare for the appointment ahead of time. Your diagnosis and tre




Under Eye Bags: Causes, Symptoms,...

Table of Contents Symptoms of Eye Puffiness or Eye Bags Types of Eye Puffiness What Causes Puffy Eyes? How to Get Rid of Puffy Eyes Easily? How to Reduce Eye Bags with Right Eating Habits? Seeking Med


Skin Care Conditions FAQs

- When should I see a dermatologist?

You should visit a dermatologist if your skin condition is not responding to any kind of OTC or home remedy treatment and it is impacting your confidence. You can seek treatment for a number of conditions including acne, scars, pigmentation, melasma, unusual growths and more.

- How can skin conditions be diagnosed?

A dermatologist will discuss your symptoms with you as well as check for the manifestation of them on your skin. In case they need to rule out any diagnosis, they may recommend a skin test such as a biopsy.

- What are the different types of common skin disorders?

The most common types of skin diseases to watch out for are Acne, Eczema, Shingles, Hives, Sunburn, Dermatitis, Rosacea and Hyperpigmentation.

- When should I be concerned about a skin lesion or growth?

While moles or lesions are usually harmless, you should watch out for ones that shrink or grow larger, itch or bleed or show any signs of discoloration. If any of these changes are noticed, then consult a dermatologist to rule out a melanoma.

- Why is it important to see a dermatologist regularly?

Your dermatologist can help you screen for a number of serious conditions including skin cancer. Also condition such as acne, pigmentation, lipoma, scars can impact your confidence and also your perception of yourself. A dermatologist can easily treat these conditions to help you become more confident in your appearance.