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How to Cope With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal?

Jun 20, 2024

How to Cope With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal?

How to Cope With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal? this article, we will explore various strategies and remedies for alleviating itchy skin after laser hair removal, helping you to enjoy the benefits of your treatment with minimal discomfort. Laser hair removal is a popular and effective method for achieving smooth, hair-free skin. However, one common side effect experienced by many individuals post-treatment is itchy skin.

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This discomfort can range from mild to sometimes intense, and understanding how to manage it is crucial to ensuring a smooth recovery process.

What causes Bumpy, Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal?

After undergoing laser hair removal, some individuals may notice their skin becoming bumpy and itchy. This reaction is primarily due to the hair follicles being directly targeted and damaged by the laser.

When the laser’s heat disrupts the follicles, it can lead to inflammation, an immune response from the body. This manifests as redness, swelling, and an itch sensation on the treated areas. This is frequently seen in people with thick hair. Additionally, people with sensitive skin also commonly experience such side effects.

Pseudo-folliculitis, or ingrown hairs, might also contribute to the bumpy texture, as hairs can curl back into the skin during the shedding process.

Understanding these itchy skin causes is essential for effectively managing and mitigating the symptoms, ensuring a comfortable recovery post-treatment.

How to Deal With Itchy Skin After Laser Hair Removal?

Coping with itchy skin after laser hair removal requires a combination of gentle care and specific remedies to soothe the affected areas.

Here are some effective strategies to manage and alleviate itching:

  1. Apply a Cool Compress: Using a cool, damp cloth on the itchy areas can provide immediate relief by reducing inflammation and cooling the skin.
  2. Use Fragrance-Free Moisturisers: Hydrating the skin is crucial post-treatment. Opt for fragrance-free moisturisers, as they are less likely to irritate the sensitive, treated areas. Aloe vera gel is also a great natural option for its soothing properties.
  3. Avoid Scratching: As tempting as it may be, refrain from scratching the itchy skin. Scratching can exacerbate the irritation, increase inflammation, and potentially lead to infection.
  4. Wear Loose Clothing: Tight clothing can rub against the treated skin, worsening the itching and discomfort. Choose loose, breathable fabrics to avoid friction and allow your skin to heal.
  5. Stay Out of the Sun: Sun exposure can irritate the treated areas further. If you need to be outdoors, apply a high SPF sunscreen and wear protective clothing to shield your skin from UV rays.

    How to Prevent Itchy Skin after Laser Hair Removal?

  6. Consider Oatmeal Baths: An oatmeal bath can be very effective in soothing itchy skin. Oatmeal contains compounds that help reduce itching and inflammation.
  7. Use Over-the-Counter Hydrocortisone Creams: For more intense itching, a mild hydrocortisone cream can be applied to the affected areas. However, consult with your dermatologist before using any steroid creams.
  8. Avoid Hot Showers and Saunas: Hot water can further irritate the skin. Stick to lukewarm showers and avoid saunas until your skin has fully healed.

Adhering to these strategies can significantly reduce the discomfort associated with itchy skin post-laser hair removal. If the itching persists or if you notice signs of infection, it’s crucial to seek advice from your dermatologist.

How Long Does Redness and Itchy Skin Last?

The duration of redness and itchy skin following laser hair removal can vary from person to person, depending on individual skin types and the specific area treated.

Generally, the redness tends to subside within a few hours to a few days. Mild itching may accompany the healing process and might last for a similar time frame.

For some individuals, particularly those with sensitive skin or large treatment areas, the symptoms could persist slightly longer, spanning up to a week.

Follow post-treatment care instructions diligently to help minimise these symptoms and promote quicker healing. If the irritation or itching extends beyond this period or worsens, it is advisable to consult your dermatologist for further evaluation and guidance.

What Causes Itchy Bumps after Laser Hair Removal?

What to do if itchy skin lasts for more than 2 weeks?

If itchy skin persists for more than two weeks after hair removal, it’s essential to take proactive steps to address the issue and prevent further complications. Here are some recommended actions:

  1. Consult a Dermatologist: Persistent itching may indicate an underlying issue that requires professional medical attention. Visit your best dermatologist near you for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.
  2. Assess for Allergic Reactions: Sometimes, prolonged itching can result from an allergic reaction to the products used during or after the hair removal process. Your dermatologist can help identify and manage such allergies.
  3. Use Prescription Medications: Over-the-counter treatments might not suffice for persistent itching. Your dermatologist may prescribe stronger topical steroids, antihistamines, or other medications to alleviate the symptoms.
  4. Consider Alternative Hair Removal Methods: If continuous itching occurs due to a particular hair removal method, it’s worthwhile exploring alternatives that are more suitable for your skin type.
  5. Implement a Re-evaluation of Skin Care Products: Scrutinize the skincare products you use post-treatment. Opt for hypoallergenic and fragrance-free options to minimise skin irritation.
  6. Follow a Routine Skin Care Regimen: Maintain a consistent skincare routine that focuses on hydration and calming the skin. Use emollients and moisturisers specifically designed for sensitive skin.

By taking these steps, you can help manage prolonged itching and support your skin’s recovery process. If symptoms persist despite these measures, further medical advice is crucial to determine the next course of action.

Importance of Choosing a Dermatologist for Laser Hair Removal (LHR)

Selecting a dermatologist for your laser hair removal (LHR) procedures is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, dermatologists have specialised training and deep knowledgeof skin anatomy and conditions, that ensures the LHR treatment is not only effective but also safe.

They can accurately assess your skin type and hair characteristics to determine the most appropriate laser settings, thereby minimising the risk of adverse effects such as burns, hyperpigmentation, or scarring.

Additionally, dermatologists are well-equipped to manage any complications that may arise during or after the procedure, providing a level of care that unlicensed practitioners cannot.

Consulting a dermatologist for LHR also allows for an integrated approach to skincare, where your hair removal process is aligned with your overall skin health strategy.

This comprehensive approach helps in achieving the best possible results while safeguarding your skin’s integrity.


By implementing the aforementioned steps, you can effectively manage prolonged itching and promote your skin’s healing process. It is essential to prioritise your skin’s health and seek professional advice if symptoms persist. A diligent skincare routine combined with appropriate medical interventions, you can ensure your skin remains healthy and irritation-free.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us:

  • Phone: +91 9584584111

We are here to support you in achieving healthy and radiant skin.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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