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Uneven Skin Tone: Do Home Remedies Really Work?

May 11, 2022



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Uneven skin tone can be caused by aging, hormonal changes, prolonged exposure to the sun, or it can occur as a side-effect of certain medications. The most common cause of an uneven skin tone on the face, neck, and body is hyperpigmentation, or excess generation of melanin, which results in uneven darkening of the skin. Acne, scars, certain other skin conditions, pollution, as well as excess consumption of sugary or spicy foods and alcohol are among the other major causes of uneven skin tone and texture. How to get an even skin naturally? What is the most effective home remedy for uneven skin tone? Let’s find out. 


Uneven Skin Tone Home Remedies  

1. Free radical damage causes tissue damage, leading to an uneven skin tone. To prevent this, consume foods rich in vitamin C. Similarly, niacin or vitamin B3 helps restore even skin tone and brighten the complexion. Include niacin-rich foods in your diet.


2. Apply a mixture of goat’s milk, gram flour, and baking soda to the skin. It helps reduce tanning, lightens the skin tone, and exfoliates the skin.

3. Apply rosehip oil to the affected skin. It helps reduce discoloration of the skin and restores an even skin tone.

4. Apply a homemade face mask of coconut oil, sugar, and lemon juice. Lemon reduces dark patches on the skin, sugar helps with exfoliation, and coconut oil moisturizes the skin. A point to note here, excessive exfoliation can irritate the skin and cause pigmentation.

5. Use a homemade face pack of tomato juice or pulp, lemon juice, and honey. Tomato prevents cell damage, and this face pack helps even out the skin tone naturally.

Home made face packs for uneven skin tone

6. An effective natural remedy for uneven skin tone on the face and neck is to apply a paste of raw papaya and milk on the affected skin. This face mask helps remove tan and softens the skin.

7. Apply a mixture of orange juice and turmeric to the skin. Turmeric helps lighten the skin, while orange juice reduces dark patches.

8. Sun-dry lemon peels, grind them into a powder and blend them with honey. Apply the paste to the skin. This DIY face mask helps fight acne and reduces blemishes and dark patches.

9. Get rid of uneven skin tone naturally by applying a mixture of apple cider vinegar and onion juice on the skin. For some individuals, this mixture might cause irritation to the skin. Therefore, it would be prudent to carry out a patch test before applying the mixture.   

10. One of the most effective Indian home remedies for even skin tone on the face is the application of a face pack comprising Rakta Chandan, milk, and turmeric. It helps combat acne, removes tan, and brightens the skin.

11. A mixture of cucumber and lemon works wonders on uneven skin tone. Add lemon juice to grated cucumber or cucumber juice and apply to the skin. It is an excellent home remedy for brightening the skin and reducing dark circles and blemishes.

12. One more home remedy for uneven skin tone is the application of honey and oatmeal. Honey has antimicrobial properties and oatmeal removes dead skin. This mixture helps improve skin tone and texture.



These home remedies help to get rid of uneven skin tone naturally and restore the skin’s glow. To maintain the health of your skin, you should also follow a balanced diet, exercise daily, and adopt a healthy lifestyle. You should keep yourself hydrated and avoid excess consumption of greasy, spicy, sugary, and processed foods. It is also important to protect the skin from the sun and environmental pollutants.

In most people with an uneven skin tone, the underlying cause of the condition has to be eliminated. Home remedies may not work for some and even if they help restore the skin’s complexion, they may not be a permanent solution to an uneven skin tone on the face, neck, or body. It is best to treat dark spots, patches, or blemishes on the skin and even out the skin texture and tone by consulting a skin specialist and seeking treatment that suits your skin type. Medical treatment options for uneven skin tone include laser therapy, topical creams, clinical-strength peels, and microdermabrasion. If you are seeking the best treatment for your uneven skin tone, approach Clear Skin. Their experienced dermatologists will assess your skin condition and administer the treatment that’s suitable for you.


For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr. Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr. Dhanraj Chavan

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