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Tips for Keeping Your Lips Hydrated and Healthy

Jul 9, 2023

Tips for Keeping Your Lips Hydrated and Healthy

Dry lips are a common occurrence, especially when the weather is dry. During this time of the year, it gets all the more important to keep your lips hydrated so that they are soft and healthy. Here we give you some care tips and tricks for that perfect pucker you always wanted.

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Lip Care Tips

  • Keep the lips hydrated. Moisturize your lips and drink plenty of water to keep your lips healthy.
  • Protect them from the harsh weather and sun.
  • Hydrated lips look healthy and beautiful. The first line of action in a dry lips treatment is to keep the lips moisturized at all times.
  • It is good to use a lip balm during all the seasons. It helps in protecting new cells on the lips, protects your lips from the harmful environmental conditions, and also helps in exfoliating and hydrating them.
  • Add a lip massage to your lip care routine. Gently massage the lips with a nourishing oil for a few minutes daily. This will increase the blood circulation in the lip  region and help keep the lips soft and healthy.
  • Avoid licking or touching the lips frequently.
  • Remember to remove your lipstick before sleeping.
  • You may consider using lip masks before going to sleep, so as to keep the lips nourished and hydrated during this time.
  • A proper diet is instrumental in keeping your skin and lips soft and healthy. Lack of certain nutrients can add blackness to the lip skin. So, a nutrient-rich diet is necessary to keep your lips looking pink or red and healthy.
  • Select your lip care products wisely. It is best to consult a dermatologist to know what type of lip products would suit your best.

These were some tips to keep your lips hydrated and factors to consider adding to your lip care routine to keep your lips soft and beautiful. However, some people wish to enhance the look of their lips for which they seek dermatological procedures like lip injections and lip plumping, which increase the volume of your lips. Here is a quick look at how these procedures work and their benefits for the lip skin.

  • In the lip injection procedure, lip fillers, a type of dermal fillers are used to increase the volume of the lips. Lip fillers consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid and help in restoring or adding volume to your lips. Lips get thinner or smaller with age or may develop wrinkles as a part of the ageing process. You may wish to enlarge the lips to restore the lost size and volume, to correct the shape of your lips or to reduce wrinkles. The results of a lip injection mostly last for 12-18 months. The procedure works to boost your self-esteem as it enlarges the lips and gives you a more beautiful pout.
  • A lip plumper is the next best way after lip injection, to maximize the volume of your lips. Lip plumping formulas enhance the natural contours and add definition to your face and lips.
  • An alternative to lip fillers is laser lip plumping, in which a laser is used for lip augmentation, thus achieving an increase in the volume, and improvement in the colour and shape of the lips. Thin or sagging lips can benefit from a laser lip plumping treatment.
  • Lip enhancement cost varies based on the procedure used for the same. The price of lip fillers would range from Rs.15,000 to Rs.25,000 per ml (1 to 5 ml filler is required). A lip reshaping surgery would cost somewhere between Rs.40,000 to Rs.100000.

For expert advice on lip care and procedures to enhance the beauty of your lips, it is recommended that you consult a dermatologist. He would assess the condition of your lips and advice you on a proper lip care routine and the best lip treatments as required, for medical or cosmetic purposes. For expert guidance on lip and skin care and to get the best skin and lip care treatments, one of the best places to approach is Clear Skin. They have a team of experienced dermatologists who would give you reliable advice on lip care and lip enhancement. With their help, you would surely be able to attain healthy and fuller lips.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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