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The Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery: Know the Necessary Conditions

Dec 27, 2023

The Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery Know the Necessary Conditions

Are you feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your chest? Are your chest tissues getting enlarged no matter how hard you exercise or diet?

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If so, you might be suffering from gynecomastia. It causes men to develop enlarged breasts. Although harmless, gynecomastia can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for some people, leading them to search for treatment options.

Thankfully, gynecomastia surgery can help you overcome this problem and achieve a more aesthetically appealing chest. But it’s not suitable for everyone. Then who should consider it? Who is an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery? Let’s find out!

What is Gynecomastia?

Before moving forward with the candidacy criteria for gynecomastia surgery, first, we will understand what gynecomastia is and its causes.

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes boys’ and men’s breasts to swell and become larger than normal. Most commonly, gynecomastia occurs during adolescence because of hormonal fluctuation. However, it can also affect men at any age. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, and you can feel some discomfort or pain. In some cases, the nipples may also become enlarged or tender.

But what causes this problem? Let’s see!

The main cause behind gynecomastia is hormonal imbalance. Normally, men have very low levels of estrogen and high levels of testosterone. The purpose of estrogen is to grow the breasts, while testosterone prevents it. However, in gynecomastia patients, there is an imbalance between these two due to external factors when the breast tissues start to grow. 

This disruption can occur due to numerous reasons, including:

  • Puberty: During puberty, testosterone levels naturally increase in boys. However, sometimes, estrogen levels may also increase, which can cause gynecomastia.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, like liver disease, kidney disease, and tumors, can also disturb the hormonal balance, causing gynecomastia.
  • Medications: Some medications, like anabolic steroids, antidepressants, and anti-anxiety medications, can have a negative impact, including gynecomastia.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Intake of certain drugs like marijuana or other illegal drugs can cause gynecomastia.

Ideal Candidate for Gynecomastia Treatment

Is Gynecomastia Surgery for You?

The decision to have gynecomastia surgery is completely personal. But here are a few reasons to consider for the gynecomastia patient requirement:

  • Significant Breast Enlargement: If your breasts are large enough to cause pain, impact your daily life, and cause you emotional distress, gynecomastia surgery can be a good option for you. 
  • Physical Discomfort: If the tissue feels hard or stuck, doesn’t move freely, produces discharge, or if you have swollen lymph nodes, surgery might be needed.
  • Psychological Distress: If your gynecomastia is causing you significant emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem, surgery can help improve your quality of life.
  • Non-surgical Treatments Haven’t Worked: If you have tried non-surgical treatments, such as diet and exercise for gynecomastia or medication, and they haven’t been successful, surgery may be the next step.

It’s better to consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to know if you are the perfect candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

Physical Considerations for Gynecomastia Surgery

So, you have decided to undergo gynecomastia surgery. Great! But do you know there are a few things that you need to consider before undergoing the procedure? You should have a stable weight and overall good health during surgery. But why is it so important for the perfect candidate for gynecomastia

Stable Body Weight

Maintaining a stable body weight is essential before, during, and after gynecomastia surgery. Because:

  • If you gain weight, it can stretch the healing skin, which can lead to scarring or compromise the final outcome.
  • Extra fat may cover the underlying breast tissue, making it harder for the surgeon to determine the degree of gynecomastia and plan the best surgical strategy.
  • Excessive weight gain can increase complications such as bleeding or infection during the surgery, which can delay the recovery process.

So how could you maintain a healthy weight? Here are a few tips that you can follow:

  • Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein into your ideal diet for gynecomastia. Limit processed foods, sugary drinks, and unhealthy fats.
  • Engage in regular physical activity like gentle walking, swimming, or cycling to manage your weight and improve overall fitness.
  • Adopt good lifestyle habits, including getting enough sleep, managing stress, and quitting unhealthy habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Good Physical Health

Being in good physical health before gynecomastia surgery is equally important to maintaining a good weight for the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery because:

  • Gynecomastia surgery is performed under anesthesia. If you have any health issues or medical conditions, they can increase the risks associated with anesthesia.
  • Underlying medical conditions can significantly delay the recovery time.
  • Uncontrolled chronic diseases like diabetes or heart disease can increase surgical risks and compromise the healing process.

Now, the tips to maintain good physical health:

  • Control your diabetes before the surgery.
  • Schedule frequent doctor appointments to monitor your health and address any pre-existing concerns before considering surgery.
  • Quit smoking at least one month prior to surgery.
  • Combine a balanced diet and exercise for gynecomastia to maintain good health and manage stress.
  • Stick to your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions to reduce the chances of complications.

Medical Conditions

In the previous section, we discussed the physical considerations for gynecomastia surgery; now, let’s talk about medical conditions. If you have certain medical conditions, they can interfere with your recovery.

Confirmed Gynecomastia

The defining characteristic of the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery is the presence of excess glandular tissue behind the nipple. To confirm this, your doctor may recommend performing a complete medical test or imaging tests like ultrasounds or mammograms. Once it is confirmed that you have gynecomastia, the next step is to determine its potential cause and severity of the condition.

Gynecomastia can be caused by hormonal imbalances, certain medications, medical conditions, and genetic factors. After identifying the cause and severity of gynecomastia, your surgeon will make a customized treatment plan. Your surgeon will determine if surgery is the right choice for you.

Sometimes, your breasts get enlarged due to fat deposits due to weight gain, certain medications, or hormonal changes, not glandular tissue growth. This condition is known as pseudogynecomastia. In that case, non-surgical intervention is required. Only lifestyle modifications like taking the ideal diet for gynecomastia, regular exercise, quitting smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption are enough to reduce the fat deposit and improve the appearance of the chest.

It’s better to consult an experienced board-certified plastic surgeon to determine if it is glandular tissue growth, gynecomastia, or a fat deposit (pseudogynecomastia). They can provide personalized advice and guide you toward the most suitable approach for your situation. They also let you know if you are the perfect candidate for gynecomastia surgery.

Absence of Medical Conditions

Before considering the gynecomastia surgery, it is essential to determine if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Because:

  • Cardiovascular diseases like pre-existing heart conditions can increase the anesthetic risks, and uncontrolled hypertension can lead to bleeding. 
  • Uncontrolled diabetes can impair wound healing and increase the risk of infection.
  • Thyroid dysfunction can affect hormone levels and potentially impact the outcome of surgery
  • Liver disease can impair blood clotting and increase the risk of infection. 

Therefore, you should be transparent about your medical history during initial consultations with your surgeon. Don’t hide anything from your surgeon during the discussion, as it can increase the chances of complications.

Emotional Factors

While Gynecomastia surgery is primarily a physical procedure, it is closely related to various emotional factors. It helps to boost your confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being, leading to a more positive self-image. These factors are often just as important as the physical ones. But there are a few things you need to know about gynecomastia patient requirements before deciding to undergo gynecomastia surgery.

Realistic Expectations

Gynecomastia surgery can significantly improve the appearance of your chest, but it is not a magical tool to create a bodybuilder’s physique. Therefore, you should have realistic expectations. 

Rather than chasing unreachable goals, improving your physical appearance and overall well-being might help you manage your expectations and avoid disappointment. 

Be patient because you can’t see the final results immediately after the procedure. Your body may require some time to heal; the final outcome may take several months. So, follow your surgeon’s instructions for a smooth recovery.

Discuss your expectations openly and honestly with your doctor. They can realistically explain the potential outcomes and ensure your goals align with what surgery can achieve.

Be Prepared for the Recovery Process

As we have discussed earlier, your body needs some time to recover. Immediately after the surgery, you can expect some pain and discomfort but don’t panic because it is normal and resolves within a few days. Your surgeon may prescribe some pain medicine to manage discomfort. 

Gynecomastia can be emotionally challenging, and surgery can be a significant decision. But during recovery, it’s natural to get frustrated because you are strictly instructed to avoid regular activities like exercising. So, you can consider having emotional support from your friends, family, or a therapist. Their encouragement and understanding can help you stay positive and motivated.

Consider obtaining professional therapy before and after surgery if you have major body image issues. This may help you develop healthy coping strategies and adjust to your new body image.

Remember that your mental well-being is critical to your entire experience with gynecomastia surgery. You may significantly improve your chances of success by having realistic expectations, preparing for recovery, and seeking support when needed.

Path to deciding gynecomastia treatment

When Gynecomastia is Not Recommended?

While gynecomastia surgery can be a life-changing option for many men, it is not suitable for everyone. So, what are the situations where gynecomastia surgery is generally not recommended? Here are a few conditions when your surgeon may suggest that you are not the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery:

Uncontrolled Health Conditions

As discussed earlier, certain pre-existing conditions like heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes, or severe respiratory issues can significantly increase surgical risks and compromise recovery. 

If you have any active infections, including in the chest area, it can interfere with healing and increase the risk of complications.

In such cases, postponing surgery and managing your pre-existing health condition to ensure the optimal health of a gynecomastia patient is crucial.

Severe obesity might increase the risk of complications and limit surgical options. In that case, your surgeon may recommend weight loss before surgery to improve safety and potential outcomes.

Unrealistic Expectations

Sometimes, people expect a perfectly sculpted chest like models from gynecomastia surgery, which can lead to disappointment in gynecomastia patients. Gynecomastia surgery aims to improve the appearance and address discomfort, not achieve a portrayed physique.

Therefore, you should have realistic expectations. Also, discuss your goals with your surgeon during the consultation to avoid any emotional stress. 

Smoking and Substance Use

If you are an active smoker, you may not be an ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery because smoking significantly increases the risk of bleeding and delayed wound healing after surgery. Therefore, you should stop smoking well before surgery to avoid any serious complications during the procedure and avoid post-surgery for a quick and smooth recovery.

Active substance abuse can also affect your overall health, compromising the success of the surgery and your recovery. Quitting any substance abuse is important before considering any surgical procedure.

By carefully considering these factors and prioritizing your physical and mental well-being, you can make an informed decision about whether gynecomastia surgery is the right choice.


Gynecomastia can be an emotionally challenging condition, but thanks to gynecomastia surgery, this life-changing procedure significantly improves your appearance. While it significantly enhances your chest appearence and reduces distress, understanding the criteria for the ideal candidate for gynecomastia surgery is crucial.

The choice to have gynecomastia surgery is a very personal one that should be taken in consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They may evaluate your case, discuss potential risks and advantages, and direct you to the best solution for your special case.

If you are stressed about your enlarged chest, Clear Skin Clinics Pune is here to help you. Our experienced cosmetic surgeons will consider your special condition and provide a customized approach. So, what are you waiting for? Schedule your consultation now and start your journey towards a more sculpted body.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhruv Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhruv Chavan

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