Psoriasis Treatment in Pune | psoriasis on skin treatment | Clear Skin
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What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disorder in which skin cells multiply faster than usual. This results in the formation of bumpy red patches covered with white scales on the skin. These patches range from sparse dandruff-like scaling to major patches that cover large areas. In some cases, pus-filled cysts appear on the skin.


Are you on the lookout for a top-tier dermatologist near you? Discover Pune’s premier skin care clinic, renowned for its blend of experience and trustworthiness. Specializing in complete psoriasis care, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best dermatological solutions.

Dial +919584584111 today to book your appointment with our acclaimed Dermatologist. Don’t let skin concerns hold you back – step into a world of expert care and personalized treatments. Join the ranks of our satisfied patients and experience the pinnacle of skincare.

Table of Contents

Types of Psoriasis

Do’s & Don’ts for Getting Psoriasis

Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis skin problems typically occur on the knees, elbows, as well as scalp. It can affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet as well. Psoriasis on the face or body starts to produce new skin cells at the deepest layer of the skin. These skin cells then begin to move upwards through the layers of skin and reach the outermost level. The cells then die and flake off.

Psoriasis skin problems typically occur on the knees, elbows, as well as scalp. It can affect the torso, palms, and soles of the feet as well. Psoriasis on the face or body starts to produce new skin cells at the deepest layer of the skin. These skin cells then begin to move upwards through the layers of skin and reach the outermost level. The cells then die and flake off.

This procedure occurs in both people with and without psoriasis. However, in psoriasis, the duration of the process is different in people with psoriasis. This process generally takes 3-4 weeks, but in psoriasis, it only takes 3-7 days. As a result, the cells don’t get enough time to mature, and the skin wears off prematurely, causing itchiness, scaling, and red marks.

Types of Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis:

Plaque psoriasis symptoms appear as raised and reddened patches, with a layer of silvery-white scales on the top caused due to a buildup of dead skin cells. It commonly occurs on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back. Plaque psoriasis patches are itchy and sometimes can be painful, crack and bleed.

Guttate psoriasis:

This condition appears as small, dotted, pink patches. Beginning in one’s childhood or young adulthood, it can be triggered by a bacterial infection. It usually occurs on the upper arms, thighs, and scalp of individuals but can also affect the whole body. Stress, respiratory infections, skin injuries, and drugs such as beta-blockers can act as triggers too.

Inverse psoriasis:

This condition appears as smooth and shiny red lesions that appear on the folds of the body. The lesions are bright red and do not have scales. These lesions occur in the armpits, groin region, the area below breasts, and around the genitals and buttocks. Sweat, physical touch or irritation, and yeast build-up may trigger this condition.

Pustular psoriasis:

This condition appears as white pustules surrounded by reddened skin. These are not infectious and usually appear on adults’ hands and feet. This is an uncommon type of psoriasis. Fevers, chills, nausea, high heart rates, and muscular weakness may accompany pustular psoriasis.

Erythrodermic psoriasis:

This condition appears as widespread and intense redness over most parts of the body accompanied by severe itching and pain. The skin starts peeling away in sheets. However, this is a very rare form and represents unstable and uncontrolled psoriasis

Nail psoriasis:

This can present as an isolated finding or more commonly associated with psoriasis skin problem on the body. It presents as pitting in nails or other nail abnormalities like a change in appearance or thickness of the nail plate.

Psoriatic arthritis:

This condition is a combination of both psoriasis and arthritis. Painful and stiff joints, tubular swelling of the fingers and toes, and joints that may be discolored are major signs and symptoms of psoriasis.

Do’s & Don’ts for Getting Psoriasis

DO: Use an emollient or ointment-based moisturizer.
DO: Use warm water for baths
DO: Dry skin gently

DON’T: Scratch or scrub lesions
DON’T: Smoke or drink alcohol
DON’T: Stress out as this increases the chances of infection, injuries, or flare-ups.
DON’T: Ignore flare-ups
DON’T: Forget to moisturize

Treatment for Psoriasis

Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition marked by rapid skin cell growth, often leads to thick, itchy patches on the skin. Understanding its treatment options is crucial in managing its symptoms and improving your quality of life. In this section, we delve into the various treatment strategies, from topical solutions to advanced therapies, guided by expert dermatologists. Discover how these treatments can help you regain control over your skin’s health and comfort.

1. Topical treatments for psoriasis:

Topical treatments are applied directly to the affected area.

  • Regular use of moisturizers plays the most important role in psoriasis treatment of psoriasis and also preventing aggregation and maintaining skin.
  • Other agents such as steroids, vitamin D preparations, keratolytic such as salicylic acids, and immunomodulatory agents form the mainstay of treatment in limited disease.
  • Patients with scalp involvement require coal tar, keratolytic, and ketoconazole-based lotions and shampoos.

2. Psoralen + Ultraviolet A (PUVA):

  • PUVA reduces excessive skin cell growth and clears skin psoriasis symptoms for certain periods of time. However, Stable plaque psoriasis, psoriasis of the palms and soles, and guttate psoriasis are most responsive to PUVA treatment.
  • In this treatment, UVA therapy is given after taking –  an oral or topical medication called psoralen 1.5- 2 hours before treatment-

4. Ultraviolet B light (UVB) light:

In this treatment, ultraviolet-B rays which are found in natural sunlight are projected on the patient’s skin for a set period of time, on a regular basis. It penetrates the skin and slows down cell production

Narrowband UVB(NB UVB) clears psoriasis at a speedy rate and produces longer remissions than broadband UVB. NB UVB is preferred in patients with widespread disease and does not respond adequately to medications. It can be given as a single treatment or in combination with other treatments. Multiple sessions of NB UVB  therapy are required at a frequency of 2-3 sessions per week.

5. Excimer laser

In this treatment, the Excimer laser is used for chronic, localized psoriasis plaques. This laser emits a focussed high-intensity beam of ultraviolet B light (UVB). Multiple sessions of this treatment are required at a frequency of 2-3 sessions. The total number of sessions varies from individual to individual depending on their response.

6. Oral and injectable medications for psoriasis

Systemic medicines such as cyclosporin, retinoids, methotrexate, and apremilast are recommended in extensive and severe diseases.

Biologics like secukinumab, etanercept, and infliximab are used in unresponsive and difficult-to-treat cases.

Battling psoriasis? You’re not alone. Our Pune-based skincare clinic specializes in providing advanced psoriasis treatments, bringing you closer to the comfort and confidence you deserve. Our team of top dermatologists is dedicated to delivering personalized care tailored to your unique skin needs.

Connect with us at +919584584111 and discover the path to healthier skin. Schedule your appointment today and experience the change at our conveniently located skin clinics. Embrace the journey towards a psoriasis-free life with the support of Pune’s finest skincare experts.

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    Psoriasis is a chronic disease resulting from an overactive immune system, leading to skin inflammation and the formation of red, scaly patches. As a result, this causes the skin cells to replace more quickly than usual. Therefore, this results in the build-up of rough and dead skin cells.

    For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.

    It works,

    Says our Patients

    Psoriasis Before And After Treatment



    Snehal Jamadade

    "To begin with the doctor was not in a hurry to wind up which is very rare now a day. He explained all the treatments options for psoriasis in detail. When I shared my schedule issues he tried to accommodate it. "

    Psoriasis On Leg Before And After Results



    Pallavi Thakur

    "I feel verry happy & satisfied with treatment of Dr. Shah. Also thanks to Chavan Mam. for well psoriasis treatment..... Thanks to all team of Clear Skin clinic." Yours Abhimanyu Bhosale "

    Psoriasis On Leg Before And After



    Ramesh Poojary

    "He is really good doctor. His treatment procedure is fantastic . He ask the details and helps in every possible way. He explained me whole treatment procedure for treating psoriasis"

    Psoriasis Before And After Results



    Yashwant Patil

    "It was a good experience, Sir has explained me well about the treatment & Medicines, I am hoping for the best resultswith the psoriasis treatmengt"

    Face Psoriasis Before After



    Nisha Kumari

    "I meet Dr. Dhananjay chavan first time last year at pune clinic. Also my tretment of skin given by Dr. shah madam. Both doctors... are very sincierly give treatment to me and even results are visible."

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    Which treatment is the best for Psoriasis?

    One cannot consider a particular psoriasis treatment the best, as the latter depends on the case, psoriasis causes, its severity, and individual suitability of the treatment. Nevertheless, dermatologists diagnose the case and may recommend various tropical treatments like corticosteroids, retinoids, vitamin D analogs, anthralin, etc.

    Some other options include light therapy, which could involve treatments like sunlight, UVB narrowband, Goeckerman therapy, excimer laser, and more. Some patients may also be suggested oral or injected medicines like steroids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, etc. Hence, you should consult the dermatologist for psoriasis in Pune or your city to know what’s best suited to your case.

    Can Psoriasis be cured permanently?

    Psoriasis is a chonic condition. Hence, it cannot be completely cured. However, the right treatment can help reduce symptoms, and making lifestyle changes can lower the effect of inflammation on the body.

    What is the fastest treatment for Psoriasis?

    Every treatment takes its time to treat a particular disease. Psoriasis medication or treatment isn’t an exception to it. Besides, an individual’s body’s response to a particular treatment also matters. Hence, what’s important is how effective a particular treatment is in the long run, rather than how quickly it reduces psoriasis symptoms.

    Can Psoriasis skin go back to normal?

    In some cases, the skin may go back to normal after treatment. It is termed remission, which may last for an uncertain period, perhaps, months or years. Since psoriasis is unpredictable, you would never know when the remission ends and the symptoms resurface.

    What is the root cause of Psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is genetic and not always hereditary. But in some cases, problems in the immune system can lead to the T-cells attacking the body’s skin cells. Due to that, the body produces new skin cells often. These extra skin cells accumulate on the skin’s surface, thus making a person suffer from psoriasis.

    Can Psoriasis spread by touch?

    No. Psoriasis isn’t contagious. Hence, it doesn’t spread through touch.

    What happens if you ignore Psoriasis?

    If psoriasis is left untreated, the condition continues to worsen, increasing itching and pain all over the body.

    Is Psoriasis a fungal infection?

    No. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition. It isn’t a fungal infection.