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Carbon laser peel for acne: Is it effective for acne?

Jul 1, 2021

Nowadays acne is one of the major problems not only in females but also to males. As acne problem is increasing day by day, therefore many treatments are also getting invented. Carbon laser peel is one of the latest treatments for acne. But many questions come in our mind, is carbon laser peel Effective for acne? Dr. Dhananjay Chavan is here to explain carbon laser peel for acne & how this will help you out. 

Table of Contents

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What is acne?

What is carbon peel?

Carbon peels benefits

Carbon peel treatment

What is acne?

Acne is a disease of the Sebaceous gland which is located beneath the surface of the skin. Generally, its duct gets open on the surface of the skin as a tiny pore of a hair follicle. This sebaceous gland makes oil, also called ”sebum”, which comes out through the sebaceous duct along the hair follicle & shaft of the hair to the surface of the skin. Thus during adolescent age, there is excess androgen production, which stimulates sebaceous gland to produce more oil or sebum. This excess sebum keeps on travelling on the surface of the skin.

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What are the causes of acne?

What is carbon peel?

It is one of the latest inventions in the cosmetic field. It works well if you are having oily skin, blackheads, whiteheads, dull skin, acne, deep pores, etc. There is no or minimal downtime for carbon peel. As it contains activated carbon so it can easily remove the impurities and dust from your face.

During carbon peel therapy, carbon is applied evenly to the skin. This carbon gets penetrated inside the skin pores. After drying, this carbon is removed with Laser treatment. During laser treatment, laser energy is absorbed by carbon particles & carbon particles get destroyed along with the skin debris which causes the blocking of skin pores. This gives smoother-looking skin & helps to reduce the appearance of whiteheads & blackheads which are early precursors of inflamed acne which may lead to scarring.

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Carbon peels benefits

It is really a magical treatment in today’s world. You can really be benefited from this treatment. Let’s check what are the benefits of carbon peel:

  • It helps in reducing the fine lines and makes your skin clean and clear.
  • As we age, we develop wrinkles, it helps in reducing wrinkles as well.
  • It reduces your acne and helps to control the oil on your skin.
  • Removes dead skin and deep pigmentation.
  • It also helps in improving skin texture and quality.
  • You get brightening skin.

Carbon has an intense affinity to remove dirt, oil, and pollution from your skin. So you can make your skin free from these problems. You can use carbon peel to get more benefits.

Do watch the video to understand more about acne and how to prevent pimples.

Carbon peel treatment

If you are having oily skin and suffering from acne problems then this is one of the good treatments you can think. But you should know this is not a standalone treatment to control your acne. You may need to use oral, topical medications, chemical peel, laser treatments for better possible results. So before going for carbon peel treatment, your skin needs to be analyzed to understand your grade of acne. Depending upon the individual grade of acne, various treatment modalities can be combined to get the best possible results.

So, the entire cost of the treatment depends upon the individual grade of acne & type of your skin.

  • Carbon laser facial: In this treatment, a liquid is applied on your face, slowly it penetrates into your skin and deeply it removes the dirt from inside. Then laser blast the carbon, and it helps to remove the impurities from the skin. This facial helps not only remove the impurities but it also exfoliates your skin. Yes, carbon laser peel is effective for the skin. But make you consult your doctor and take the treatment.
  • Carbon peel of mask: It generally helps in removing the dirt, dead cells from the outer layer of the skin. So it helps in making your skin look younger, healthier, and youthful. You can use any peel-off mask available in the market.

Must Read

How much does acne treatment cost?

Consult a board-certified dermatologist who is fully equipped with all these treatments & can guide you best as per your expectations. 

Thank you for reading!

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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