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How to remove dark circles under your eyes permanently?

May 24, 2021
Dark circles

Table Of Contents

What causes dark circles? 

Worried about your skin condition? Get in touch with best of our skin specialists in Pune. For a skin treatment, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you +919584584111

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Medical Procedures for Dark Circles

Throughout the years, our lifestyles have become more sedentary and revolve around spending time in front of screens, whether it’s on the phone, your laptop or on the television. Our eyes are constantly consuming information and this constant strain can cause dark circles under our eyes

In this article, we will guide you on how to reduce dark circles under the eyes effectively. These methods will surely help you devise a strategy to get back to clearer skin and a youthful appearance. 

What causes dark circles? 


There are many causes of under eye dark circles such as:

  • Nutritional Deficiency

You should eat a balanced diet and food rich in potassium and sodium to prevent nutritional deficiency. Get your diet right and avoid getting Dark Circles.

  • Less Sleep

Lack of sleep causes venous congestion and then the fluid gets built up which gets filled up in superficial blood vessels.

  • Alcohol 

Alcohol consumption can dehydrate the body. This can make your eyes weary which can result in the formation of dark circles

  • Ageing

Loss of fatty tissue and thinning of the skin around the eyes are part of the ageing process. Once the tear trough becomes hollow it can lead to dark circle formation. 

  • Fatigue

Lack of sleep or Oversleeping, coupled with extreme fatigue can cause dark circles to form under your eyes.

Must Read

Why do Indians have dark circles?

How to remove dark circles under the eyes?

Under-eye dark circles are seen under the lower eyelids, which are common in both men and women. These under eye dark circles may be often accompanied by bags. It is important to analyze the exact cause of your under-eye dark circle and get the treatment done accordingly. 

Wondering how to remove dark circles permanently? or how to remove dark circles under the eyes naturally in one week? 

There are multiple treatments for dark circles available. In this segment, we will mention some dark circle home remedies and medical treatment available for black under eyes.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Home remedies do not always come to the rescue and can also worsen the condition, if not applied properly. In this case, referring an eye doctor or dermatologist can help bring the exact reasons to light with proper checkup, tests and more.

Natural Remedies for dark circles

Home remedies for dark circles are effective for some people in the initial phase of dark circles. If your dark circles are not too prominent, you can try some home remedies like:

  • Milk

With the help of cotton, apply chilled milk around your eyes and continue it until 20 minutes. It will help your eyes to retain the water level and help energize them.

  • Lemon

Take a cotton pad and dip it into lemon juice and apply it around your eyes. Lemon contains vitamin C which helps to cleanse under eye dark circles.

  • Almond oil or coconut oil

Gently massage around the eyes at night before going to bed and leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. Almonds contain Vitamin E which helps to keep your eyes soft.

If your dark circle problem is severe then you should visit a skin specialist, take guidance and treatment from them. 

If home remedies don’t work for you, and you’re still finding out the answer to – how to remove dark circles overnight, simply get in touch with your doctor and explore the following treatment options to reduce dark circles under eyes.

Medical Procedures for Dark Circles

  • Chemical peel

The chemical peel acts on the upper layer of the skin to cause exfoliation. Hence it increases the cell turnover rate to reduce pigmentation and assist in the formation of new skin. 

  • Microdermabrasion (MDA)

Microdermabrasion, it is also known as skin polishing treatment. In this treatment option, we use a rough-tip probe (diamond tip) along with a vacuum to lightly exfoliate the upper layer of the skin giving a smoother appearance.

  • Electroporation


Electroporation is the treatment that is used to increase the penetration of a drug/serum or even moisturizer applied over the skin, this is done by passing a slight current through the skin.

  • Fillers for under eye dark circle

Fillers (hyaluronic acid-based) will plump up the sunken under eye and its result may last for a year or one and a half years. It can be used to treat eye bags, by raising the skin that counteracts the sagginess.

Some laser treatments are also used to remove dark circles permanently including Q Switch Lasers, C02 Lasers, Endymed & I Fine and RF Patches.

It isn’t too hard to reduce the formation of dark circles under your eyes. For those who have a genetic predisposition for dark circles, only cosmetic treatments can help reduce the occurrence. 

However, for those who have dark circles due to years of eye strain, stress, nutritional deficiency or other reasons, a proper diet with adequate fruits and water and some sleep can help restore the condition of the eyes.

If your dark circles are hampering your confidence and don’t subside with home remedies, consult with a Clearskin expert today!

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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