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How to get rid of acne dark spots?

Jul 1, 2021

Acne is really frustrating, so are you suffering from acne-related issues? Don’t know how to get rid of acne dark spots? Don’t take stress, you are on the right page to solve your query. Therefore, try to have the patience to get a result, Dr Dhananjay Chavan will help you to understand about acne and how to resolve your problem. 

How to get rid of acne dark spots?

Acne dark spots

Acne or a pimple is an inflammatory skin condition caused due to blockage of sebaceous duct & infection with Propionibacterium Acne. If you had severe acne and your acne is not treated properly may leave some marks on the area. Those are the acne dark spots, which after many days will turn into dark brown colour. Acne scars if not taken care turns into pigmented dark skin. Pigmented skin is the skin which makes your skin rough and hard.

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During the healing of acne, inflammation occurs on skin & gradually acne gets healed & leaves behind pigmentation. Pigmentation occurred on the skin after healing of acne can be of various types depending on the type of skin. This includes:

  • Erythema (Redness): Pink or purple flat patches.
  • Post-inflammatory pigmentation: Brown marks, usually in people having darker skin type & who get tanned easily.
  • Post-inflammatory hypopigmentation: White marks.

Get rid of Acne dark spots

Treatment for pimples dark spots

These different types of pigmentation have to be treated differently to get the best possible results after the treatment. Different treatment modalities are available to treat different types of pigmentation. Therefore this includes:

On other words, these treatments are suggested depending upon the individual skin type & the level of pigmentation. Epidermal or superficial pigmentation usually gets lighter soon than a dermal level of pigmentation. A strict photoprotection with a broad-spectrum sunscreen is needed to protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Henceforth, treatment of pigmentation & pimples should go hand in hand to achieve the best outcome & can meet the individual patient’s level of expectations.

Home remedies for acne dark spots

However, acne is not an easy problem to get solved. To take care of such dark spots problem, you can try out some home remedies as well. Home remedies can help you to lighten the marks, but again it depends on person to person.

  • Aloe vera: Application of aloe vera gel is good to lighten your marks. It has good moisturising and soothing properties to protect your skin.
  • Apple cider vinegar: You can mix apple cider vinegar and honey and leave it for 10 mins. You can experience good results.
  • Turmeric powder: It is one of the most healing products. It helps in controlling the melanin products which creates pigmentation on acne spots.
  • Lemon: It is also one of the magical product, as it has alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which help in lighten the skin colour. It has healing properties and helps in lightening the skin colour.
  • Onion: Apply onion paste on the dark pigmentation area to experience good and effective results.
For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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