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Naturally Eliminating Acne Scars: Expert Tips for Clearer Skin

Mar 8, 2024


Remove Acne Scars Naturally

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Acne, a common skin disorder affecting many people, may frequently leave behind scars that serve as persistent reminders. For many, the story of conquering acne is incomplete without addressing the blemishes on their skin. 

This blog article aims to give a complete overview of acne scars and natural ways to treat and reduce their appearance. Whether you’re someone struggling for blemish-free skin or a skincare professional seeking full understanding, the ideas given here will help to simplify the process.

Types of Acne Scars

Understanding the various forms of acne scars is critical for designing a personalised treatment plan. Generally, there are three types:

Ice pick scars

Ice pick scars are deep and narrow, mimicking those caused by sharp instruments. These are the hardest to cure because they are narrow and deep.

Boxcar Scars

Boxcar scars are large wide depressions with clearly defined borders, similar to chickenpox scars. They are less severe than ice-pick scars but may still be as challenging to treat because of their size.

Rolling Scars

Rolling scars give the skin an undulated wavy look. They are usually shallower and broader than ice pick or boxcar scars, which makes the skin seem uneven.

What Causes Acne Scars?

Acne scars form due to imperfections in the body’s normal healing process after an acne lesion. Common reasons include:


Severe acne, especially those associated with redness and pain, are more likely to cause scarring. This is because inflammation triggers collagen loss, essential for a healthy skin structure.

Genetic Tendency

Individuals who have a family history of acne scarring or are prone to keloids are more likely to acquire scars.

Delayed Treatment

Failure to treat an active acne lesion quickly and random pimple picking or squeezing might increase the risk of scarring.

Why do acne scars sometimes refuse to fade?

The cause is typically due to the form of the scar tissue—scarred skin does not heal in the same manner. This is because the scarred tissue many times does not get enough blood supply which prevents nutrients, medicines and growth factors to reach the scarred skin delaying healing and remodeling.

Natural Treatments for Acne Scars

Several natural compounds have shown promise for decreasing the appearance of acne scars. This includes:

  • Aloe Vera
    Aloe vera is well known for its calming effects. When applied to the skin, it may help to alleviate the redness and irritation associated with acne scars.
  • Rosehip Oil
    Rosehip oil, high in vital fatty acids and antioxidants, may enhance skin texture and reduce scar discolouration.
  • Honey
    Honey’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities may help the skin recover while preventing future acne breakouts. It may also enhance skin texture and minimise scarring.
  • Lemon Juice
    Lemon juice’s intense vitamin C concentration helps reduce dark acne scars and boost collagen development, resulting in smoother, healthier-looking skin.
  • Dietary Changes for Skin Health
    Certain meals may help to supplement topical therapies. Citrus fruits and berries are high in vitamin C, which may aid collagen synthesis and repair.
  • Shifting to a Healthier Lifestyle
    Lifestyle adjustments, such as being hydrated, controlling stress, and exercising regularly, may help to improve overall skin health. Reduced stress reduces hormonal variables that cause acne, but exercise boosts blood flow, transporting essential nutrients to the skin.

The key to natural therapies is consistency. Unlike conventional medications, natural cures often take longer to produce benefits and need a consistent regimen.

Holistic Skincare Approach

Skincare should be considered a comprehensive commitment encompassing many facets of life. A healthy diet, enough sleep, and stress management are as important as your skincare products.

Designing a personalised skincare strategy is critical. Identify your skin type and particular issue areas, then add the appropriate products to your daily and weekly regimens.

Skincare is not a one-time solution. It needs regular maintenance and modifications. Monitor your skin’s response to products and make any necessary modifications to continue supporting healing.

When Should I See a Dermatologist for Acne Scars?

Natural therapies may not always be sufficient. Especially with deep or severe scarring, as well as scarring caused by other disorders like chickenpox or accidents.

Persistent or increasing scarring despite home treatments, sudden severe acne outbreaks, and scarring accompanied by other symptoms such as discomfort or itching are all reasons to see a dermatologist.

Professional Acne Scar Treatments

In addition to natural solutions, several non-invasive and medical procedures may successfully decrease acne scars. Some prominent alternatives are:

  • Microdermabrasion: This process uses a machine to exfoliate the top layer of skin, which promotes new skin development and reduces the appearance of scars.
  • Chemical peels remove damaged skin layers, promote cell development, and improve texture and appearance.
  • Laser treatment may help cure deeper acne scars by increasing collagen formation and rejuvenating the skin.
  • Dermal fillers like hyaluronic acid or fat may be injected into acne scars to enhance volume and improve look. These filters have a limited lifespan and must be replaced regularly.
  • Microneedling works by creating micro-injuries in the skin using a device equipped with tiny needles, boosting collagen formation and minimising scar appearance.

Tips to Manage Acne Scars

While professional treatments may be successful, taking precautions at home to control acne scars is equally essential. Here are some pointers to bear in mind:

  • To speed up healing, keep the affected area clean and moisturised.
  • Use sunscreen every day to prevent your skin from future damage and discolouration.
  • Avoid picking or squeezing acne since this may cause further scarring.
  • Incorporate scar-fading substances like vitamin C, retinol, and glycolic acid into your skincare regimen.
  • Consider using silicone gel or sheeting to flatten and fade scars.
  • Consult a doctor about the best treatment option for your acne scars.

Remember that controlling acne scars requires time, patience, and consistency in treatments and skincare. Do not get disheartened if you overlook quick benefits.

In addition to these suggestions, maintaining a healthy lifestyle includes eating a balanced meal, drinking lots of water, and getting adequate sleep. These behaviours may help keep your skin looking good overall and assist in the healing of acne scars.


Acne scars do not need to be permanent on your skin. You can control your skin’s destiny by embracing a multifaceted strategy that combines natural therapies and a balanced lifestyle. This article has provided the information you need to begin a healing regimen for your skin’s unique narrative. 

If you want more specific guidance, please call ClearSkin Clinic for a personal appointment. Please return to our site regularly for further skincare ideas.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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