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Why is my face darker than my body?

Jul 2, 2021

Why is my face darker than the body? What should I do? I tried many products but no results yet. I’m getting frustrated day by day seeing my face. I have met so many doctors but still no results.

Table Of Contents

Why is my face turning black day by day?

Worried about your skin condition? Get in touch with best of our skin specialists in Pune. For a skin treatment, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you +919584584111

What is skin pigmentation?

Skin pigmentation causes

Skin discoloration on face

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

What do you do when your face is darker than your skin?

How do I make my face lighter?

How to use sunscreen lotion to prevent pigmentation?

Home remedies for pigmentation

For Advanced Pigmentation Treatment: Choose Clear Skin

Everybody loves to have glowing skin. We do our best to have healthy-looking skin but when the face tone is darker than the body, it gets really annoying. If you are suffering from this same problem then you are in the right place. Here’s a detailed guide to understanding why your face becomes darker than the body, what can be done about such skin pigmentation, and how you can get rid of it through skin care regimens and procedures. 


Why is my face turning black day by day?

Our face skin produces more melanin compared to the rest of the body, so our face skin is generally a bit darker. The harmful rays of the sunlight can damage the melanin cells and as the face is more exposed to sunlight, it is the first to be impacted. If the melanin cells are disturbed or become unhealthy then they start with excessive melanin production. It can also result in patchy skin, you can get pigmentation on any part of the body including the face.

It is absolutely fine to have a darker face, but it differs from person to person. When the face skin tone is too dark than body skin, then it should not be ignored. You can try different home remedies to lighten the skin tone. If you do not get the desired effect then you must visit a dermatologist. There are many possible treatments for darker skin and skin pigmentation.

What is skin pigmentation?

Pigmentation is nothing but discolouration of skin colour.

Pigmentation can be of two types:

  1. Hyperpigmentation –  It is a skin condition where skin patches are darker.
  2. Hypopigmentation – It is a skin condition where skin patches are lighter.

If you are suffering or in the initial phase of pigmentation, do not neglect it. Skin is the largest organ of our body, there are various reasons for getting pigmentation on your skin. We will also discuss the causes of skin pigmentation as well.

Skin pigmentation causes

The most common causes of skin pigmentation are.

  1. Excessive sun exposure
  2. Skin injuries
  3. Skin problems
  4. Chemotherapy or drugs
  5. Hormonal changes
  6. Addison disease

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How to lighten skin tone?

Skin discoloration on face

It can be referred to as skin hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation is of several types:

  1. Melasma
  2. Age spots
  3. Sunspots
  4. Post-inflammatory
  5. Freckles

Melasma is mostly seen in females, where hyperpigmentation occurs on the cheek, forehead & bridge of the nose. To identify whether you suffer from discolouration on your face or not or which type of discolouration you have, your doctor needs to do a thorough examination.

Must read

Types of skin pigmentation

Hyperpigmentation Treatment

Hyperpigmentation is the discolouration of your skin colour. In this, the skin colour gets much darker than the original skin colour. To take care of your skin condition you need to take a few measures to protect your skin from getting pigmented. There are many treatments such as clinical treatments, topical applications, and home remedies. So now let’s check the treatments and their details.

Clinical treatments such as

  1. Chemical peels
  2. Q switch laser
  3. Co2 laser

Topical creams or medications such as

  1. Sunscreen lotion
  2. Aloe vera-based moisturizer
  3. Hydroquinone cream
  4. Glycolic acid creams

Thus these treatments if taken in combination with topical applications can give good results. Make sure you always protect your skin with sunscreen lotion to prevent pigmentation in the first place.

What do you do when your face is darker than your skin?

At the outset, let’s begin with, what does darkening of the face mean? It refers to melasma. This is a condition where the skin of a particular area (especially the face and particularly the forehead) turns darker than other areas of the body.

Now, the next thing you’d be concerned about is the causes of the face darker than the body. Well, your face is the most exposed part of your skin. While out in the sun, the face combats the sun’s heat, rays and many other ground and airborne elements like pollutants, dirt, dust, etc. As a result, the facial skin darkens to the extent that its difference from the skin color of other parts is significantly visible.

So, what do you do when your face is darker than your skin? Is there any face whitening treatment? Yes, of course. You can try many natural and clinical remedies to lighten your facial skin. Natural general remedies include aloe vera. On the other hand, clinical remedies include chemical peels, Q-switch lasers, and CO2 laser

How do I make my face lighter?

There exist several solutions for the face darker than the body. Based on the dermatologist’s consultation, you can try natural remedies or clinical remedies. Clear Skin recommends the right treatment, based on your skin condition and the suitability of those treatment options for your skin.

How to use sunscreen lotion to prevent pigmentation?

  1. You need to apply sunscreen daily on your skin.
  2. You need to apply it for at least 20 to 30 mins before going outside in the sun.
  3. Take a small amount of sunscreen and apply it in a dot manner. So that the absorption of the cream will be good.
  4. After sunscreen lotion, you can apply your moisturizer.
  5. You can use any broad-spectrum sunscreen lotion.
  6. Reapply sunscreen lotion again 2 to 3 times a day every 3-4 hours.
  7. For Indian skin tone, it’s better to use SPF 30 to SPF 50.

Home remedies for pigmentation

When your face is getting darker than your body, you can try home remedies first. As there are different skin types, all home remedies might not suit or yield the best result for all, but it will definitely not result in any side effects. So, you can try them without any hesitation. Only when you do not get the desired result then talk to a doctor.

Let’s check out home remedies for darker face and skin pigmentation:

  • You can apply fresh aloe vera on your skin, it will help in fading the pigmentation.
  • You can take apple cider vinegar and water in equal amounts and can apply them on the face and leave for 2 to 3 mins.
  • Research has shown that green tea also helps in deep pigmentation.
  • The application of black tea water is also good for your skin.
  • Tomato paste is also good for pigmentation. So it will be helping a lot.

Do try out these home remedies which suit your skin. Make sure you do it at a regular intervals of time. Home remedies are not the only solution, but they can help you to some extent to give you good results!

For Advanced Pigmentation Treatment: Choose Clear Skin

Your day out in the sun could turn disastrous with the appearance of dark spots and an unevenly toned complexion. We can help you recover your skin tone through evidence-based treatment methods and are transparent about the expected results to ensure customer satisfaction. We pride ourselves in giving patients great care and guidance during the pre and post-op stages, instead of treating it as a one-time session.

To get your pigmentation issue resolved, you need to consult your dermatologist who can guide you on what treatment option would work the best for you post analyzing your medical condition.

That being said, most treatments aim to help you:

  • Stabilize melanocytes (specialized skin cell that produces melanin)
  • Take corrective measures to counter the impact of causing factors
  • Discourage the production of new melanin
  • Removal of excess melanin from the body

As per dermatologists, relying on a singular option like laser therapy, chemical peel, IPL, etc. isn’t encouraged to combat the pigmentation issue.  Instead, a combination of all the above modalities based on the type and factor responsible (for hyperpigmentation) can help you achieve positive results.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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