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How To Prevent Scarring From Pimples?

Aug 25, 2021

Table of Contents

How do Acne Scars Develop?

Worried about your skin condition? Get in touch with best of our skin specialists in Pune. For a skin treatment, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you +919584584111

Identifying Different Acne Scars

How to Prevent Acne Scars?

Treat acne injuries as soon as they develop

Consult a doctor for severe acne

Why choose ClearSkin for Acne Scars Treatment?

Truly speaking, pimples are a teenager’s nightmare. While these painful, red spots on the face can be frustrating, there is something worse. They can leave behind ugly scars that can last a lifetime. These scars are caused by the skin’s attempt to heal the surface damage caused by the pimple or acne. A pimple outbreak can be mild or severe, and the level of scarring will depend on that. Also, the way you treat acne will affect the level of scarring.

It has been estimated that almost 80% of the world’s population between 11 to 30 years of age are affected by acne in some form. Also, around one in five of the people who are infected will develop scars. The question is – how to get rid of acne scar? There are some medical treatments and home remedies that can help treat the scarring.

How do Acne Scars Develop?

Acne, which is also called a pimple, is formed when skin oils and dead cells along with bacteria block the pores on the skin. These pores allow the oils and sweat to rise to the surface and are also called follicles. The follicle consists of a hair and a sebaceous or oil gland. The inner surface of the follicles is lined by special cells called Keratinocytes. These cells rise to the surface as the skin is shed by the body as a natural process. Under normal conditions, this oil rises up along the hair and keeps the skin soft and shiny.

Once a pore gets clogged up, it results in inflammation, along with redness or pain. Now, the oil and the Keratinocytes are unable to escape from the surface. In case the pore breaks, the infected material can spill over into the surrounding tissue resulting in deep lesions. The skin manages to repair the damage by producing collagen. However, the repair may not be good enough and result in a scar. There can be various types of scars, depending on the repair work and the collagen generation.

Identifying Different Acne Scars

In reality, the type of scar that is formed depends on the net loss or gain of collagen. Collagen is a special protein that gives firmness to the skin structure. In the case of less collagen generation, atrophic scarring takes place. If more collagen is produced, hypertrophic scars or keloids are formed.

So before you know how to remove dark spots caused by pimple fast, here is a look at how acne scars are classified.

Atrophic scars

These scars are flat depressions that are not very deep. But they usually heal below the top layer of the skin. These can be further divided into more types. The ice pick scars are wider at the top and narrow at the bottom. They are formed mostly on the cheeks where the skin is thin. The boxcar scars are box-like depressions that are much deeper and have sharp edges. The third type of scars are the rolling marks that are formed on the lower cheeks and jaws. They have sloped edges and make the skin appear wavy.

Hypertrophic and keloid scars

These are raised lumps that are formed on the spot where the acne was located. They are formed of scar tissue generated during the healing process done by the skin. The Hypertrophic scars are of the same size as that of the acne. But the keloid scars are much larger and spread over a wider area. These scars are found in skin areas like the jawline, chest, shoulders and back.


While this is not exactly a scar, it stands out as a darker or discoloured patch of skin left behind by the acne. It mostly occurs in people with darker skin and in those who pick or squeeze acne. In most cases, this goes away within a short time as long as the skin is protected from the sun.

How to Prevent Acne Scars?

Here are some tips and pointers that will answer your question on how to avoid acne scars.

Avoid injuries

Top dermatologists advise against picking or popping the pimple as it can enhance the chances of getting a scar. At the same time, the acne should not be injured by any activity. However, if you have already picked it, clean the area properly. A solution of half hydrogen peroxide and half water can be used to prevent any infection. It is best to avoid touching the pimple as it will prevent the bacteria from spreading to other areas.

Treat acne injuries as soon as they develop

How to avoid scarring on the face due to acne? Quick treatment prevents the acne from spreading and escalating. This will also help to prevent a more severe outbreak that can lead to more scarring. In case the home remedies are not working, you can visit the doctor to bring the pimples under control. Keep in mind that leaving a severe acne problem untreated for long will increase the chances of scarring.

Acne Excoriee

This is a condition where the acne is squeezed or scratched, leading to the formation of scars. Quite often, this is an uncontrollable behaviour. So it is also termed as “picker’s acne”. Quite often, this falls under the category of Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD) and related disorders. Unless treated, this can lead to skin erosions and long-term scarring. The condition is more common in women and goes untreated in most cases. Apart from the treatment of acne, this condition needs to be addressed by proper psychological therapy.

Keep the affected area clean

Keeping the affected areas clean is an important step for preventing acne from developing further and causing scars. In case you have oily skin that is prone to acne, use light moisturisers that do not clog the pores. Also, exfoliate at regular intervals to remove excess dead cells from your skin. Once you have an injury on acne, use light and skin-friendly make-up. Make sure to remove the makeup before going to sleep.

Use of petroleum jelly

The American Academy of Dermatologists does not recommend the use of petroleum jelly on acne. According to the research, this can trigger the growth of acne in some people with specific skin types. It also lacks any anti-inflammatory effect that might soothe the redness and the pain. However, some dermatologists think that applying petroleum jelly on painful acne can improve healthy skin barrier function. So it is best to do some patch testing, before applying petroleum jelly to your face.

Reduce inflammation

Since the severity and duration of inflammation plays an important role in the generation of scars, reducing it is the answer to how to prevent scarring. There are plenty of topical ointments that can help with this. A paste formed by crushed aspirin and water can also do the job. Make sure that you wash your skin with water before treating the acne. If you see a whitehead beginning to form, apply a warm compress for 10 to 15 minutes, three to four times daily. Also, any product that contains 2 percent benzoyl peroxide can also be used to reduce inflammation.

Use silicone sheets, gels, & tapes

One important step in the wound healing process of the skin is the matrix remodeling process that is controlled by enzymes. In a majority of cases, Atrophic scars are formed due to the less formation of collagen. So treating a scar before it sinks below the skin can be effective. The silicone-based products play an important role in this regard as they can help reduce scars. The sheets and gels also combine with vitamin E that helps the skin to rebuild itself. If you have applied silicone sheets, make sure that you replace them daily.

Consult a doctor for severe acne

Many over-the-counter topical medicines may not be the right choice for your skin type. So it is best to consult a dermatologist if you need a quick fix for severe acne problems. The doctor can also help you with the right level of advice to prevent future outbreaks. A doctor can also suggest the application of a cortisone injection that can quickly negate the problem resulting from acne. You can also opt for laser technology for healing the deep scars and clear irregular collagen deposits on the skin.

Why choose ClearSkin for Acne Scars Treatment?

If you are wondering about how to prevent acne scar on the face, the ClearSkin clinic can be your best option for a complete solution. With some of the best doctors and therapists and the most advanced equipment, ClearSkin offers a complete range of treatments for acne-related problems. Combining traditional wisdom with modern medicine, ClearSkin makes sure that you can step out with confidence in every step.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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