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How to Cure Scalp Psoriasis Permanently?

Mar 15, 2024

Are you tired of constantly dealing with the frustrating and embarrassing symptoms of scalp psoriasis? You’ve arrived at the right location, then! This comprehensive guide will take you on a trip with various treatment choices, statistics, and helpful tips to help you manage and maybe even cure scalp psoriasis.

Worried about your skin condition? Get in touch with best of our skin specialists in Pune. For a skin treatment, book an appointment with our dermatologists near you +919584584111

We can help whether your goal is to find a permanent solution or alleviation from the flaking and itching. We will provide you with a road map that gives you hope and the ability to manage your scalp psoriasis based on everything from the professional advice of dermatologists to the efficacy and realism of at-home treatments. So, let’s get started and explore the possibilities together!

Table of Contents

Understanding Scalp Psoriasis

Reason for Scalp Psoriasis and Its Symptoms

Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Loss

Is it possible to Cure Scalp Psoriasis Permanently?

Medicine for Scalp Psoriasis

Home Remedies for Psoriasis Relief

Tips for Managing Scalp Psoriasis


Understanding Scalp Psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that causes raised, red, scaly areas on the scalp. This disorder can also affect the surrounding areas of the scalp, including the forehead, back of the neck, and behind the ears, in addition to the hairline.

When an overactive immune system accelerates the skin cells’ turnover cycle, psoriasis develops. Skin cells commonly originate deep under the skin, slowly reach the surface, and then fall off. The entire process typically takes one month from when a skin cell is born until it dies.

On the other hand, this manufacturing process may happen in days for those with psoriasis. Because of this, the skin cells start accumulating on the skin’s surface, giving rise to thick, silvery scales and occasionally unpleasant, itchy, dry, red spots.

The Reason for Scalp Psoriasis and Its Symptoms

The precise cause of psoriasis on the scalp is unknown. It is thought to be connected to a problem with your body’s T cells and other white blood cells called neutrophils, which are part of your immune system. T cells typically aid in defending the body against illness and infection. But when you have psoriasis, T cells attack your skin cells by mistake.

Your skin cells start developing too fast due to this aberrant immunological response. Instead of weeks, new skin cells grow in a matter of days. These extra skin cells accumulate on the skin’s surface because your body does not eliminate them, leading to psoriasis patches.

While scalp psoriasis symptoms might vary from person to person, they often include swollen, red, irritated skin coated with silvery scales and may be itchy or painful. These scales may come off and leave hair with flakes that resemble dandruff. Temporary hair loss is another possibility for some people. 

However, hair normally comes back after the illness is under control. It’s important to remember that scalp psoriasis does not cause permanent hair loss, although these symptoms might be upsetting and distressing.

Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Loss

For those who suffer from scalp psoriasis, the connection between the skin condition and hair loss is frequently concerning. It’s critical to recognize that permanent hair loss does not directly result from scalp psoriasis. However, the condition’s accompanying inflammation, scaling, and persistent scratching can strain the hair follicles, causing temporary hair loss or thinning.

This is more likely to happen in scalp regions where psoriasis plaques are significantly present. Thankfully, hair loss is often only temporary, and when inflammation is reduced and scratching is limited, hair usually grows back. Thus, appropriate care is essential to minimize the effects of scalp psoriasis on hair health.

Is it possible to cure scalp psoriasis permanently?

Unfortunately, psoriasis does not presently have a recognized cure. However, long-term remission and a marked decrease in the frequency of flare-ups are achievable with the proper care and management. This implies that individuals with scalp psoriasis may go for extended periods without experiencing any symptoms or scalp plaques.

Limiting the effects of scalp psoriasis on hair health and leading an everyday life with the condition with the proper care and treatment is possible. Although there may not be a permanent treatment for scalp psoriasis, it is still possible to experience long-term comfort and enhance quality of life. An experienced dermatologist with years of expertise can help you determine the best course of action.

Medicine for Scalp Psoriasis

The degree of scalp psoriasis determines the course of medical treatment that is best. As first-line therapy, topical corticosteroids are frequently utilized. They aid in lowering inflammation and reducing the speed at which skin cells proliferate.

Lotions for Scalp Psoriasis

Ointments and lotions containing coal tar and corticosteroids are relatively successful for treating scalp psoriasis. These solutions function by decreasing skin cell proliferation, itchiness, and inflammation. It’s crucial to remember that lotions and creams do not treat psoriasis but can only lessen its symptoms.

Systemic treatments, such as methotrexate or biologics, can be necessary in more severe situations. Remember that each person is different regarding treatment efficacy, and what works best will rely on personal circumstances and general health.

How to Cure Scalp Psoriasis with Home Remedies?

Although there is no “cure” for scalp psoriasis, home treatments may be able to manage flare-ups and lessen symptoms. Here are several possibilities:

  • Aloe vera: Known for reducing inflammation, aloe vera helps calm the skin and lessen redness and scaling. Used directly from the leaf, it works best.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Because of its inherent antibacterial qualities, diluted apple cider vinegar may relieve mild scalp irritation and itching. On the other hand, stay away from it if your scalp is bleeding or broken.
  • Oatmeal Baths:Oats’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities have been utilized for generations to relieve inflamed skin. Scales can be softer, and irritation can be reduced with an oatmeal bath.
  • Tea tree oil is a well-known essential oil because of its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. Some people, nevertheless, may experience allergic responses to it. Never apply it directly to your scalp without diluting it with a carrier oil.
  • Turmeric: Well-known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, turmeric may lessen the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. It can be consumed as a supplement, added to food, or used topically as a paste.

Please remember that while these treatments can help with symptoms, they cannot replace medical care. See your dermatologist before attempting any new home treatments. It’s also critical to remember that because every individual’s experience with scalp psoriasis differs, what works for one person may not work for another.

Tips for Managing Scalp Psoriasis

Although having psoriasis on your head might bring particular difficulties, there are ways to control the condition’s symptoms and enhance your quality of life. Regularly using a mild, medicated shampoo might help reduce flakes and soothe your scalp. Make sure to stay away from harsh hair products that could aggravate your symptoms by irritating your scalp.

Treatments like topical corticosteroids, vitamin D analogs, or light therapy can be beneficial in controlling psoriasis of the hair and scalp. But it would help if you only did this under a skin specialist’s supervision.

Recall that controlling stress, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting enough water are all essential for controlling psoriasis symptoms. Lastly, remember that every person has a different experience with psoriasis, so it could take trial and error to determine which treatment techniques are most effective for you.

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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