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Brewing the Truth: Coffee and Acne – Fact or Fiction

Aug 6, 2023

Does coffee cause acne?

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Coffee and Acne

What to do if you’re having breakouts after coffee?

Coffee is a drink known and loved for many reasons. But, as loved as it is, the question does coffee cause acne has always remained a topic of debate. 

With the increase in awareness of living a healthy life, especially on social media, coffee has been the center of controversy for its negative impact on health. 

It is popularly believed that coffee can cause acne. A lot of people claim that coffee was one of the reasons for their acne breakout. 

Coffee and Acne

So does black coffee cause acne? More importantly, what does science say about this? 

According to science, caffeine which is the prime component of coffee, does not directly cause acne. This leads us to the conclusion that there are different ways that drinking coffee can cause an acne breakout. 

Let’s dig deeper and find out the possible situations where your coffee causes acne

  1. Milk in coffee – A lot of people take milk or cream in their coffee. According to studies, dairy/milk has the potential to cause acne or worsen it. It was observed that high amounts of milk consumption lead to an increase in insulin-like growth factor IGF-1, which is known to cause acne breakouts. 
  2. Sugar in coffee – It is known by all that consuming high amounts of sugar has a dreadful impact on your health, including your skin. Consuming too much sugar leads to an increase in blood sugar levels which makes your skin prone to acne breakouts.
  3.  Excessive consumption –  Consuming coffee to combat stress leads to changes in sleep cycles. This causes an increase in cortisol levels in our body. Cortisol is a stress hormone which is a type of steroid or androgen and is responsible for causing breakout. Therefore it is recommended to have coffee in moderation

What to do if you’re having breakouts after coffee? 

What to do if you're having breakouts after coffee?

Now that we know how does coffee cause acne, we can establish that one can drink coffee without any fear of acne, given that certain regulations are followed. 

If you are someone who absolutely loves coffee and can’t stop drinking it, you can practice some easy steps to make sure your cup of coffee won’t lead to an acne breakout. 

  1. Prefer Black Coffee – As we discussed that dairy milk or cream in coffee can cause acne, it’s advised to lower your dairy milk intake and replace your regular coffee with Black coffee. 
  2. Drink in moderation – Too much of anything is always dangerous. Limit your consumption to one or two cups a day. Be considerate of the time as well. Drinking coffee at night can hamper your sleep cycle , leading to inadequate sleeping hours and ultimately breakouts. 

It’s always advisable to consult a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and personalised acne treatment plan.

If you are struggling with acne and want to know about does coffee causes acne, it is best recommended to visit a dermatologist at Clear Skin Clinic Pune. Acne can be a chronic and recurrent condition requiring a proper diagnosis of the cause behind and treatment to avoid any further skin damage. Book your consultation with Clear Skin Clinics Pune today!

For treating your skin condition, feel free to get in touch with one of our best dermatologists in Pune. You can also call on +919584584111 to book an appointment at one of our skin clinics near you.


Dr Dhanraj Chavan

About the Author: Dr Dhanraj Chavan

Dr. Dhanraj Chavan is a globally trained, young, and dynamic dermatologist. He is a Consultant Dermatologist and Varicose Vein Specialist at Clear Skin, VeinMD, and HairMD.

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